Redemption '05

February 2005

I'd only been to one UK convention in the past, Telefantastique 2, which was not only enjoyable, but very convenient, being held at a Heathrow hotel.

Redemption, however, was in the middle of nowhere. To be more precise, it was in Hinckley, about an hour by train from Birmingham. Well, it's not so much "in" Hinckley, as across the road from a farm outside Hinckley. Having arrived at Birmingham airport, I caught trains to Hinckley station. While most people from the train only had a briefcase at most and raced off determinedly into the dark, three of us lingered with luggage. We non-locals were all heading to the Con, so we got together and shared a cab.

A dinner had been organised for con-goers, which was pretty good. I was very tired so, while I chatted to a number of people that first evening, very little sunk in. I do remember some discussion of the problems inherent in accidentally using a microphone as a gavel, to which Jason Carter said "If it was Claudia Christian, she'd use it as a dildo!"

More text to come later. And more (as in "some", as opposed to the current rather complete lack) description of photos too.... But don't hold your breath.
